Hope for healing
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness
Desmond Tutu
I’ve been reflecting on the word ‘hope’ in the last few days, and what it can mean for us as individuals and communities in uncertain and challenging times.
In my sessions, I’ve seen the importance of hope in dealing with grief and mental health challenges. Being able to see and imagine a better future gives us the courage and determination to continue doing the daily work needed to get there. Hope also shows us that pain will pass, and I’ve witnessed people’s innate resilience as they self-orient towards hope and healing.
Hope is not passive. It can begin with small things. Turning up to try each week in the hope it could be helpful. Holding onto glimmers in the hope they might stay and grow. Daring to share your hopes so that you can be supported to nurture them. Envisioning yourself doing something that gives you pleasure. For many of my clients, learning to play an instrument, singing or writing songs offers a tangible and joyful way to cultivate hope. It’s easy to imagine how you might look or feel playing a guitar or ukulele, and there are so many opportunities for micro hopes (and fulfillment of these hopes) along the way.
“I hope to feel comfortable holding an instrument”.
“I hope to make a beautiful sound”.
“I hope to learn a chord, or even a song”
“I hope to share something about me through a song.”
“I hope to share what I can do with others”.
At a personal and community level, leaning into active hope shows us there is still light amongst the darkness, and it shows us the way to make small steps towards it.
If you’re seeking hope for yourself or someone you care about, please feel free to reach out to see how music therapy might be helpful. I would be honoured to accompany you on your journey.
#hope #musictherapy #healingjourney #melbournetherapist